Good samaritans do still exist! Check out this video and uplifting story of the incredible rescue of a rider stuck beneath a car. However, the heroes and bystanders are still …
Traveling on your Motorcycle
Some things are harder to carry than others, and on a motorcycle space is rather limited. What happens when you want to take your bicycle along on a trip? Bicycles …
How Do You Shift Motorcycle Gears?
Shifting gears on a motorcycle can be challenging. Practice is the key ingredient in mastering this task. The more you practice, the more muscle memory you build and the smoother …
How To Get Your Motorcycle License in NJ
So you want to ride a motorcycle? There is so much to learn, where do I begin? What is the process? I will try to answer all those questions and …
How to Park a Motorcycle
It’s one thing to be out riding your motorcycle and having a good time, but eventually you’re going to need to park your bike. You can do this a couple …
Bicycles vs. Motorcycles: Which one is best for you?
Bicycle vs. motorcycle: both have 2 wheels, and both need momentum to stay balanced. Leaning and turning principles are exactly the same, except stuff happens much faster on a motorcycle …
Learn To Ride A Motorcycle For Beginners
Lets start at the beginning… I want to ride – or at least I think I want to. What do I do first? What is the best way to go …
Basic Motorcycle Maintanence and Inspection
I know here in New Jersey there is no motorcycle inspection at MVC anymore. That law went into effect in 2011. I never understood why I had to bring my …
How To: Motorcycle Slow Tight Turns
So you want to do a better, tighter turn? Well here’s a good way to practice that skill (and it’s a skill that needs to be practiced). Lets start out …