So you want to ride a motorcycle? There is so much to learn, where do I begin? What is the process? I will try to answer all those questions and get you started in the right direction.
There is so much to learn when it comes to motorcycles that wanting to ride simply isn’t enough. You have to want to learn the entire process of safety and road rules in order to ensure you have the best motorcycle experience you can have for your entire life.
How to Get a Motorcycle License
Riding a motorcycle is very similar to riding a bike. Unlike riding a bike, however, you need to get a permit and pass a road test in order to get your motorcycle license. There are two ways to do this.
Going to the MVC
The first way is by going to the Motor Vehicle Commission and passing a written test to get a permit. There is a 20 day waiting period between getting your permit and taking the road test. If you go that route, it is unlikely that you will learn all of the safety techniques you need to know when it comes to driving a motorcycle. In addition, if you take the road test on a 231cc motorcycle or less, you will get a RESTRICTED license and will never be able to ride anything over 500cc’s. The only way you will be able to ride any motorcycle is by testing a MVC on a bike bigger than 231cc’s. Regardless of which size motorcycle you test on, you still don’t learn the safety techniques you need.
This means that the people giving you this test might not know how to ride either. The last thing I would want is some guy or gal at MVC who doesn’t ride telling me what skills I might or might not have. The other issues with the MVC is the test they have. They have a tight cone weave which includes 5 cones. If you touch, miss, or knock down a cone, you could fail. Lets be honest, how is a cone weave going to save your life on the highway or street? Are you going to be riding down Rt80 at 55mph and break out into a cone weave? It is the most ridiculous test. This is why I believe it is in your best interest to attend MSF school. You will learn the valuable skills you need to ensure a lifetime of safety on your motorcycle.
MSF School
The second way to get your motorcycle license is to come to MSF school. In NJ, you do not need a permit to come to class. We do all the testing. We give you the bike and helmet to use so you don’t spend money on expensive gear before you get your license. If you pass the class, we give you the paperwork to take to MVC to get the endorsement, which means you don’t have to test at MVC! Yes, it is true, and it is that easy. You only go to MVC after you pass the class. We also teach you all the techniques that will save your life when driving. We teach you how to stop quickly, swerve around a potential hazard such as the craters we have in the roads at this time of year.
We will teach you how to corner properly which is the main reason for a single vehicle accident. Which includes, going off the mountain, going over the double yellow into oncoming traffic or hitting the guardrail. All of those will end badly which is why cornering is what we practice in several exercises in the class. Every time you corner, it needs to be perfect. There is no do over from going off the mountain. We also talk about distracted drivers,, road hazards, etc. When you get your license from our school you will at least have the necessary tools to keep you as safe as possible. Motorcycling is inherently dangerous but by taking the class you can minimize your risk. When you pass the class you can legally ride any size motorcycle, whether it has 2 or 3 wheels. No restrictions!
Remember, there are two ways you can get your motorcycle license. You can do it the fast and easy way with the MSF school and ride the day after you pass. You will also have the basic skills and confidence necessary to operate a motorcycle. If you do the MVC route, you have to take a permit test, wait 20 days and then take the road test. That process requires a few trips to the MVC, while the MSF school only requires one trip. As far as I am concerned, the MSF class should be mandatory. We need to reduce crashes and fatalities in NJ, and it has been proven that by taking the class your odds of survival increase drastically. It’s a no-brainer. Let riding be some of the best experiences of your life. I hope to see you in class.