Motorcycle Operators Urged to Put Safety First

Shari Ives Safety Tips

General Manager of Diamond Motor Sports, Stewart Crouch, believes that promoting safety equipment and practices is all part of the buying experience. He stated that they want people to stay on the road and to remain safe when they do. According to Crouch, there is no better money spent than on a safety course. While there are a large percentage of bikers who do play it safe, those riders are sadly never noticed.

Mr. Couch advises riders to always be on the defensive, and to always look for signs that other drivers do not see you coming.

“I wear a helmet, and if you don’t it is on you,” stated Dover resident, Roy Walker. “I have been to accidents when I was a firefighter and saw bikes that have slid 200 – 300 feet, and it is not pretty.”

The office of Highway Safety reported that motorcycle crash fatalities were running about the same as last year at this time. Motorcycle crashes begin to decline in September, and they peak in June, July, and August.  According to the OHS, 25 out of 74 bikers involved in fatal motorcycle crashes have not taken a safety course and did not follow DMV guidelines.

Within the past five years, 43 percent of all fatalities were men between 35 and 54, and 19 times out of 20, on motorcycle mishaps, the victim is male. In addition, 36 percent of fatal crashes involved alcohol or other drug use.

According to Delaware State Policeman spokesman, Master Cpl. Gary Fournier says that 76 percent of the time crashes if from reckless driving. In Delaware, the state law requires a rider to have a U.S. Department of Transportation helmet on the motorcycle at all times.

OHS schedules overtime enforcement of motorcycle violations during the months that have higher crash rates and recommends novice, experienced, and speed bike riders to take a safety course.