I am a better driver in my car…because I ride a motorcycle.

Shari Ives Instruction, Instructor Tips

By George Zita / MSF RiderCoach
The title of this article might not make immediate sense to you. But think about all the core skills you use when you ride your motorcycle: Remaining alert, scanning for hazards, assessing and managing gaps in traffic, maintaining proper speeds, using head checks before changing lanes, etc. Because motorcycling requires this level of vigilance—and more—it only makes sense that you might end up being a better car or truck driver, if you apply these skills whenever you are driving.

The next time you go out in your car, pretend you are riding your motorcycle: Would you tailgate someone in traffic if you were on your bike? Would you weave in and out of traffic or change lanes without checking your blind spot? Would you cut someone off or be aggressive because someone acted incorrectly in traffic?

There’s a good chance you would not take these actions if you replaced your car with your motorcycle in this scenario. It is obvious that it will be good practice to transfer your motorcycling behaviors to car driving, and the result will be a better and safer you—regardless of the vehicle you use!

GOOD RIDER TIP: Always show fellow bikers courtesy on the road. If you ride behind or near a biker, provide extra room and a safety cushion for them to utilize. Think of that person as you riding. How would you want to be treated? It is great when we all cooperate and help each other to be safe on the road.