Shari Ives Safety Tips

If you are planning to ride across Death Valley, there is plenty you can do to keep cool. While most bikes tend have a tolerant for hot weather as long as the bike is moving, the rider is a different story. Consider wearing textile clothing instead of leather in hot weather. You can wet it and the evaporative cooling from the wind stream will keep you from cooking. Another trick is to pack some ice into your jacket’s pockets. If you do wear leather, look for a jacket that features zip-open vents.

No matter how hot the weather is, safety is always most important so keep covered up. Long sleeves will also prevent sunburn and windburn that is likely to happen in the desert.

Survive in the Desert:

If you are planning a trip into the desert, always take a friend. Breaking down in the desert could be dangerous, especially if you are alone. If you are alone and you break down, however, the first thing you want to do is seek out some organic shade from trees, brush, or rock overhangs.

The desert loses heat quickly. Your bike provides lots of ways to start a fire, gas from the tank, oil from the engine, a spark from the plug or battery. You can even burn a tire to make a smoky signal fire if there is no wood or brush. The bike’s mirrors, horn, and headlights all are great signaling devices.

If you have to hike out of the desert, stay with your bike and wait until the cool of the evening. Always have sandals or comfortable walking shoes with you. And always have a hat with you. While your helmet will keep you warm at night, it does not make a good hat for the day time. If you forgot to bring a hat you can always make one from a T-shirt.